NGEE-Barrow Telemetry Testing
In November 2015 we did some extended testing of the broadband performance in Barrow to/from the BEO. Basically, transmitting to and from a file 10 megabytes large using secure copy to simulate a secure data transfer. Here is a sample chunk of bash script:
#!/bin/bash #xfer_file=100mbfile xfer_file=10mbfile size=$(stat -c%s /home/bob/extras/$xfer_file) # TROUT to ngeedata using secure copy # first create the date/time string: START=`date +%s%N` CRONTIME=$(date +'"%G-%m-%d %H:%M:00",') # push the file to fairbanks scp -oport=2222 /home/bob/extras/$xfer_file END=`date +%s%N` ELAPSED=`echo "scale=8; ($END - $START) / 1000000000" | bc` speed=`echo "$size / $ELAPSED / 1024" | bc` temp1=$CRONTIME$speed echo $temp1 >> /home/bob/logs/sled-shed-post_antenna_move_to_fai.csv
This sequence was done for a number of links (and in reverse but for the most part we are concerned with upload speeds), units are kilobytes per second: Tram Ethernet Bridge to the Control Shed Dreamplug: 580 (n=46) Tram Ethernet Bridge to Fairbanks: 77 (n=46) Within the Control Shed: 3661 (n=46) Sled Shed to Fairbanks, before the antenna move: 208 (n=72) Sled Shed to Control Shed: 1405 (n=72) Control Shed to Sled Shed: 223 (n=421) Control Shed to BARC: 2647 (n=49) Control Shed to Fairbanks: 137 (n=254)