NGEE Barrow 2013 Site D Install Trip August 2013
- Install Barrow Site D Inventory
- Soil Cores
Site D Install Instrumentation List:
- 5 Temperature Probes (1.5m depth)
- Possibly one soil pit (soil & water conditions depending)
- Air Temperature / Relative Humidity @ 1.5 meters
- Snow Depth @ 2 meters
- Net Radiation @ 1.5 meters
- wind speed @ 1.5 meters
Additional Site Work:
- Level Radiometers at the other sites
- Change out the SR50A snow transducers for the existing stations (7pcs)
- Change out the pipe for the snow stands (4 pcs)
- Cable Extensions for Thermal Conductivity sensors @ C site
- small enclosure & extra logger/MD485 for C site bonus thermal conductivity sensors
- sledge tower feet
- remove net radiometer heater wires where they're connected so we just have the fan on. I guess I go back and forth on this... I really should be logging the on/off toggle of the power for these.
- they should also be not drawing current through the logger I suspect....
- Retrieve Y. Kim's chambers
Additional Soil Work:
- At least 2 soil pits (soil to fill two coolers)
- outline a pit with the shovel...
- gps in the location
- jab saw / shovel the perimeter down to the base of the active layer
- shoot for two soil samples per cooler so whatever the length of the cooler is divided by two for the length. width of the cooler for the width of the soil sample (approximately)
- we will use the soil sample for hydraulic conductivity testing and retain a sample for soil moisture curve work.
To Purchase:
[Moved to Agenda area]
Odd Tools:
- Laptop
- serial cable
- laptop weather resistant housing
- tool bags
- pipe wrench
- cordless drill for precip bucket screws
- an additional wheelbarrow?
- 2 coolers
- GPS system
=== Tools we'll need up there
- shovels
- sledge hammer
Finalize Program Wiring (thermistor vs. thermocouple for the thermal conductivity probes)
8/19 Bill, Vlad, Bob Busey & Bob Bolton fly out
- Pick up gear and get ready to haul it out:
- tower
- batteries
- battery box
- solar panel
- sledge tower feet
- haul stuff out by wheel barrow
- instrumentation
- shovel
- coolers (2-3)
- 2
- Program
- 'thermal conductivity with thermistor.cr1'
- Put up tripod
- grab 4 pieces of trail mat from the NGEE conex
- set up tripod with
Additional Maintenance:
- Self-tapping screws for precip lids
- proper pipe for snow stands from 2012 install
- replace transducers in SR50As -- 7 pcs
- duct seal remaining holes in the enclosures
To purchase:
- XX Solar Panel
- Charge controller?
- XX Additional CSI stuff
- XX SR50A transducers
- XX cross arm brackets
- 1 inch aluminum cross arm (for Bill stock and D site)
- duct seal
- Fresh Desiccant for all sites
To Prep:
- wire up data logger box
- drill 3 inch hole for pipe
- mount the logger
- run wires to the multiplexers and current module.
- power and ground and control for soil moisture pits
- change the ID on the SR50A
- Mount hardware in the box
- crimp connectors for batteries
- extension cord for solar panel & battery leads
- strip wires for thermal conductivity probes
Soil Component:
- Bob, Bob
- Use RTK GPS for coordinates of the pits
- pull a sled out with a cooler in it.