Hourly Data Parser

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This utility is useful to taking data logged at more than once per hour and down sampling to return just hourly. For example, taking 5 minute snow data after a moving average has been applied and just grabbing the hourly values from the moving average.

Option Explicit
Public Sub hourlysample()
  Dim datecol As Integer
  Dim inputcol As Integer
  Dim outcol As Integer
  Dim inputworksheetz As Integer
  Dim outputworksheetz As Integer
  Dim startrow As Long
  Dim outputdate As Boolean
  Dim columnincr As Integer
  Dim startcol As Integer
  ' stuff that should be set just initially
  datecol = 1
  inputworksheetz = 1
  outputworksheetz = 2
  startrow = 5
  startcol = 9
  inputcol = startcol
  outcol = 1
  outputdate = True
  Call smp_column(datecol, inputcol, outcol, inputworksheetz, outputworksheetz, startrow, outputdate)
  outputdate = False
  For columnincr = 1 To 3
    inputcol = startcol + columnincr
    outcol = 2 + columnincr
    Call smp_column(datecol, inputcol, outcol, inputworksheetz, outputworksheetz, startrow, outputdate)
End Sub

Public Sub smp_column(datecol As Integer, inputcol As Integer, outcol As Integer, inputworksheetz As Integer, outputworksheetz As Integer, startrow As Long, outputdate As Boolean)
  Dim row As Long
  Dim thetime
  Dim curdata As Double
  Dim outrow As Integer
  outrow = startrow
  row = startrow
  worksheets(outputworksheetz).cells(row - 1, outcol).value = worksheets(inputworksheetz).cells(2, inputcol).value
  Do While worksheets(inputworksheetz).cells(row, datecol).value <> ""
    thetime = Int(right(format(worksheets(inputworksheetz).cells(row, datecol).value, "hh:mm"), 2))
    curdata = worksheets(inputworksheetz).cells(row, inputcol).value
    If thetime = 0 Then
      ' top of the hour, sample the point
      ' new hour, do some outputting
      If outputdate = True Then
        ' output the day
        worksheets(outputworksheetz).cells(outrow, outcol).value = worksheets(inputworksheetz).cells(row, datecol).value
        worksheets(outputworksheetz).cells(outrow, outcol + 1).value = curdata
        worksheets(outputworksheetz).cells(outrow, outcol).value = curdata
      End If
      outrow = outrow + 1
    End If
    row = row + 1
End Sub