Meeting 25 Feb 2010 Rob Doug Greta Amy
WERC data formatting meeting 25 February 25, 2010
Attendees: Doug Kane Amy Tidwell Rob Gieck Greta Myerchin
Basic plan moving forward
1. Review each file (by station, by year) and verify field headers (a. list of fields/column; b. directly above data—the two list must match and reflect what the data show)
2. Greta and Amy run tests to locate additional errors
3. Identify source of errors and correct accordingly
4. Greta works on generating a site history file.
Stations: We currently have Imnavait B site, but we need also add Imnavait A site (online).
Another met station existing prior to the current Betty Pingo site. It was called Lower Kuparuk. Get files from Rob.
Betty Pingo met does not have the same designation as the Betty Pingo snow survey site, which is listed as PO3. Make sure the met station name is changed to BP_met and has correct coordinates.
Standard Format Changes: Add latitude and longitude to headers. Move net radiation to the last field and add the following for standard output: SW incoming SW outgoing LW incoming LW outgoing Photosynthetic
Site history file: Greta will work to create a true site history file. She will use Rob’s “README-WERC_data_sets.doc” file (request most up-to-date version from Rob.)
Upcoming data sets: We will meet again when we start to process stream flow/stage and soil temperature data. A heads-up point was made that we have flow data for water track 7 (may not be online).