Processing Data Workflow
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- Visit Site & Download Data with Toughbook
- data should go in ~/Dropbox/logger_data/$YEAR/$SITE/
- general naming convention for data files is: $SITE_$TABLE-$YEAR_$MONTH_$DAY.dat
- Back in camp/town/place with internet access, put toughbook online so Dropbox can mirror data to other computers
- Next, out of the field and back in the office: copy this data from dropbox to /var/site/$AREA/$SITE/raw or similar (e.g. (/var/site/utq/utq_A/raw/)
- Most processing scripts are located in /var/site/bin/ with a name like process_$ (e.g.
- to this script add lines in each appropriate section so that datapro can process this new data
- In the initial cut here (I'm just starting to do this 10/2018) I have two bash functions in the script. They're related. 1) is delete all the processed data in /var/site/$AREA/$SITE/outputs and 2) is apply the manual QA. In the bash script, I comment the calls to do those two things first run so that the processing is quicker. So, edit the bash file to comment the two function calls, too.
- next, run the bash script.
- once done the data will appear here: /var/site/$AREA/$SITE/outputs/. I have a web page that can be used for visualizations. /var/site/$AREA/$SITE/index.html after the automated processing has fixed everything then I review this page to catch things it misses (for instance, animal damage knocking a radiometer off level, other oddities where the data appears right but isn't quite.)
- Any manual corrections go in an excel spreadsheet. /var/site/$AREA/$SITE/qc/$SENSORNAME_fixes.xlsx
- there should be a line in the process_$ subroutine for manual fixes for this file (most don't have this line until there is manually correcting to do).
- After manual corrections are complete and script is updated, re-run /var/site/bin/process_$ with everything uncommented so that final dataset is created from scratch and manual edits are applied.
- upload the final product from local computer to main server / or data archive etc (ngeedata / ocotal / project data portal)