Regular Date to Julian Converter

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Copy and paste the text in the box into the visual basic editor that comes with Excel. To get access to personal.xls in the visual basic editor check out this article: Save_Macros_in_Excel

This short program takes date & time cells and converts it to Julian days. An additional option is a Julian Decimal day, which converts the time into a decimal quantity. There are several important parameters you may need to edit to get things working specifically these:

 startrow = 13
 outcol = 1
 datecol = 2
 Worksheetz = 1
 decimalday = True

startrow -- this is the starting row, the first line in the excel worksheet there is a date to be converted from Julian to regular.
outcol -- this is the output column, the column you want the resulting date to be put into. A = 1, B = 2 etc.
datecol -- this is the column the Time & Date are in
Worksheetz -- this is the excel worksheet number of the data you wish to calculate dates for. If you have a mix of charts and worksheets in your excel file worksheet #1 is treated as the leftmost worksheet on the bar along the bottom of the spreadsheet.
decimalday -- this boolean variable (True/False) tells the macro whether to output decimal days (as is done for some north slope sites) or an integer julian day.

Well, with that all out of the way, here's the program. Get a hold of Bob Busey if you have any questions or problems running this.

Option Explicit
Public Sub Convert_To_Julian()
 Dim row As Long
 Dim startrow As Long
 Dim theyear As Double
 Dim themonth As Double
 Dim theday As Double
 Dim thehour As Double
 Dim theminute As Double
 Dim thedate As String
 Dim tempstring1() As String
 Dim tempstring2() As String
 Dim leapyear As Integer
 Dim julianday As Double
 Dim Worksheetz As Integer
 Dim outcol As Integer
 Dim datecol As Integer
 Dim decimalday As Boolean
 '  variable initialization    '
 startrow = 13
 outcol = 1
 datecol = 2
 Worksheetz = 1
  note this decimal day.. If decimalday = true then hours & minutes will be tacked on
  if decimalday = false then the julian day will be an integer.
 decimalday = True
 row = startrow
 Do While Worksheets(Worksheetz).Cells(row, datecol).Value <> ""
   ' Run through and pull the time/date from the spreadsheet
   thedate = Worksheets(Worksheetz).Cells(row, datecol).Value
   ' separate out the date & time components individually
   tempstring1 = Split(Format(thedate, "mm/dd/yyyy"), "/")
   tempstring2 = Split(Format(thedate, "hh:mm"), ":")
   themonth = CDbl(tempstring1(0))
   theday = CDbl(tempstring1(1))
   theyear = CDbl(tempstring1(2))
   thehour = CDbl(tempstring2(0))
   theminute = CDbl(tempstring2(1))
   ' use the year to check for the need for a leap day
   If theyear Mod 4 = 0 Then
     leapyear = 1
     leapyear = 0
   End If
   ' Do the Julian Day calculations
   If themonth = 1 Then     ' JANUARY
     julianday = theday
   ElseIf themonth = 2 Then ' FEBRUARY
     julianday = theday + 31
   ElseIf themonth = 3 Then ' MARCH
     julianday = theday + 31 + 28 + leapyear
   ElseIf themonth = 4 Then ' APRIL
     julianday = theday + 31 + 28 + leapyear + 31
   ElseIf themonth = 5 Then ' MAY
     julianday = theday + 31 + 28 + leapyear + 31 + 30
   ElseIf themonth = 6 Then ' JUNE
     julianday = theday + 31 + 28 + leapyear + 31 + 30 + 31
   ElseIf themonth = 7 Then ' JULY
     julianday = theday + 31 + 28 + leapyear + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30
   ElseIf themonth = 8 Then ' AUGUST
     julianday = theday + 31 + 28 + leapyear + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31
   ElseIf themonth = 9 Then ' SEPTEMBER
     julianday = theday + 31 + 28 + leapyear + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31
   ElseIf themonth = 10 Then ' OCTOBER
     julianday = theday + 31 + 28 + leapyear + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30
   ElseIf themonth = 11 Then ' NOVEMBER
     julianday = theday + 31 + 28 + leapyear + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31
   ElseIf themonth = 12 Then ' DECEMBER
     julianday = theday + 31 + 28 + leapyear + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30
   End If
    If we need decimal days then add the decimal part here.
   If decimalday = True Then
     julianday = julianday + thehour / 24 + theminute / 24 / 60
   End If
    ready to output back to the original spreadsheet.
   Worksheets(Worksheetz).Cells(row, outcol).Value = julianday
    Go to the next row.
   row = row + 1
 Range("A" & CStr(startrow)).Select
End Sub